Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Book Cover Junkie Interviews Horror Thriller Author Jens Boele

Jens Boele, a veteran media designer in the entertainment industry, brings over two decades of cinematic expertise to his writing. Born in Germany in 1975, Jens embarked on his writing odyssey in his youth, culminating in the publication of his debut book, “Sunshine,” in 2015. This was followed by “Hurensohn,” and his latest spine-tingling creation, “Urbex Predator.” Jens is a genre-bending author, specializing in horror and crime thrillers. His narratives often blur genre lines, weaving intricate tales that plunge readers into the darkest corners of the human psyche. Jens’s storytelling brilliance lies in his fascination with the criminal mind; his villains are always profoundly human, offering readers a chilling examination of the psychological aspects of the criminally insane. Jens sets himself apart by seamlessly integrating classic horror with the gritty authenticity of the present day. This innovative fusion imbues his narratives with a dynamic quality, seamlessly blending archaic thrills with contemporary intrigue, resulting in an immersive reading experience that resonates with both vintage enthusiasts and present-day readers alike. Jens Boele’s latest endeavor takes his work across borders, as “Urbex Predator” becomes his first book to be translated into English. A globetrotter with deep connections to the United States, Jens’s passion for exploration and his international perspective, nurtured by family and friends in the US, shine through in his writing, offering readers a captivating blend of horror and cultural diversity. Visit Jens’ website at

Tell us about your book! What inspired you to write it?

The inspiration for 'Urbex Predator' sprang from my own adventures as an urban explorer, delving into the forgotten corners of the world. I've always found the eerie allure of abandoned places captivating, with each decrepit structure holding untold stories within its crumbling walls.

As an Urbexer, I've ventured into deserted military compounds, once bustling with life but now consumed by decay. These sites, complete with housing, shopping centers, and medical facilities, offer a haunting sense of isolation, occasionally punctuated by unexpected encounters. I vividly recall a chilling incident at an abandoned hospital, where my friend and I stumbled upon a group whose hostile intentions were immediately evident.

Initially mistaken for harmless photographers, they revealed their true colors with menacing gestures, leaving us shaken but unharmed. However, this encounter planted the seed for 'Urbex Predator,' as I delved into the disturbing world of predatory individuals lurking in the shadows of forgotten places.

Drawing from real-life experiences and infusing them with elements of horror, 'Urbex Predator' explores the darker aspects of human nature and the sinister secrets concealed within abandoned spaces. It's a journey into the unknown, blending reality with fiction to create a gripping tale of suspense and intrigue.

How did you choose the title for your book? Did it come to you right away, before you started writing it, or did it come later?

Well, considering the book revolves around Urban Explorers, often shortened to Urbexers, it felt natural to incorporate that term into the title. The inclusion of the 'X' at the end lends it a somewhat scientific vibe. Building on that, I decided to add the word 'Predator' to the mix. Interestingly, there's a Latin term for the predator, which sits atop the food chain, known as the Apex Predator. The similarity struck me.

Within the narrative, the abandoned barracks are teeming with various predators. It raises the intriguing question: who truly holds the mantle of predator, and who becomes the prey? The title 'Urbex Predator' perfectly encapsulates the thrilling and terrifying journey that awaits the readers—a blend of adventure, danger, and the primal struggle for survival.

Tell us about the cover design process. Did you have a basic idea of what your book cover would be like? 

As an Urbexer myself, I've spent countless days exploring and photographing abandoned places. This passion has led me to capture some hauntingly beautiful images, many of which are showcased on my Instagram. When it came time to design the cover for "Urbex Predator," I had a clear vision in mind. I knew I wanted to use one of my favorite photographs of an abandoned barracks.

The image, originally taken during the day, needed some adjustments to fit the eerie, night-time atmosphere of the book. Luckily, I know a guy who is a wizard with Photoshop. He transformed the photo into a chilling night scene that perfectly captures the suspense and terror of the story. It's amazing what a bit of digital magic can do!

So, yes, the cover design process was very personal and straightforward for me.

Who is your cover designer and how did you find him/her?

The cover designer is someone I've known for quite some time—me! I've been a professional designer for over 20 years, so when it came to designing the cover for "Urbex Predator," I took on the task myself. This allowed me to infuse the cover with the exact atmosphere and mood I envisioned for the book.

Designing the cover was a labor of love, blending my passion for urban exploration with my professional skills. Transforming the original daylight photograph into a chilling night scene was particularly satisfying, as it brought together all elements of the story in a visually striking way.

What has been the readers’ response to your cover?

The response to the cover has been overwhelmingly positive. Many readers have been drawn to the book specifically because of the intriguing cover, which is always a good sign. The eerie, atmospheric vibe of the abandoned barracks really captures the essence of the story and sets the perfect tone for what lies within. It's always rewarding to hear that the cover has sparked curiosity and excitement, compelling people to dive into the book. The visual appeal has definitely played a key role in attracting readers and setting the stage for the thrilling adventure inside.

What tips would you give to authors who are looking for a cover designer?

Definitely go for a pro if you can afford one. A professional designer can make a huge difference in how your book is perceived. Check the covers they have done before to see if their style matches your vision. It's also crucial to see if they listen to your ideas if you have a specific concept in mind. If you don’t have an idea, pay close attention to their suggestions and gauge their enthusiasm for your project.

As a designer myself, I’ve encountered freelancers who market themselves well but ultimately deliver subpar work. To avoid this, do thorough research and read reviews from other authors. There are several marketplaces where you can find talented designers at reasonable prices. Just make sure to communicate clearly and establish a good working relationship from the start. Your book cover is the first impression readers will have, so it’s worth investing in someone who can bring your vision to life effectively.

Anything else you’d like to say about your book?

Absolutely! The journey of writing and publishing "Urbex Predator" has been an adventure in itself, and now it's your turn to embark on the exploration of the abandoned barracks. I understand it's going to be a challenging ride, and the trigger warnings are there for a reason. But rest assured, I'll be right beside you, guiding you through the nightmare our characters endure. You can count on me until the very end, I promise!

Once you've finished the book, I'd love to hear your thoughts and feedback. Feel free to join my newsletter on to stay updated on all the latest news. Don't worry, I won't flood your inbox too often, just the occasional update. And if you're interested in becoming an advanced reader for future projects, shoot me a message through my website. I'd love to connect with you.

As always, I hope you enjoy the thrills and excitement that "Urbex Predator" has to offer!

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